Tuesday, October 25, 2005

beige brothers of the blogosphere...

I found the blog of this guy who call's himself the assimilated negro.

Who knew the world of the light-skinneded black man was mired in so much existential angst? He seems to enjoy being a slight asshole so that he can assume it is his assholishness that makes people dislike him and not his soaring intellect. I wouldn't know anything about that. I am fairly certain this guys is smarther than me because he is much more comfortable with being an ass than I am.

mr. wilson

1 comment:

Mr. Wilson said...

you say offputting things, but in a humorous way so that one cannot quite tell what is an expression of your true feelings and what is there just to create a diversion...which puts people at a safe distance...yet you know you are funny, (or talented or charming) enough that they won't go completely away. its how you establish your space.

or maybe i am reflecting myself (wtihout the penchant for humor)...i just really identified with some of your material, thought not all.

and from one national merit/achievement scholar to another, yeah, you do have a soaring intellect because not many people would make me think about reading a book...just last night i happened to glance upon blink by malcolm gladwell (i already read the tipping point a while back) and by some coincedence i sat at a table that had that seth godin book on it...

mr. wilson

P.S. malcolm gladwell is an interesting dude. any chance he is an assimilated negro passing for white?